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Episode 17   Chenal Du Four to Camaret with Force 10 at Anchor
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 17 Chenal Du Four to Camaret with Force 10 at Anchor
This episode we leave L'aberwrach, sail through the Chanel Du Four and spend a great couple for days in Camaret; exploring, celebrating Bears birthday, swimming with dolphins and sitting at anchor with force 10 winds. Music: Follo...
Episode 16 Crossing the English Channel, Isles of Scilly to L’aberwrach
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 16 Crossing the English Channel, Isles of Scilly to L’aberwrach
Join us on Pickle as we finally set off from the Isles of Scilly across the English Channel to the beautiful L'aberwrach in Brittany, France. We have good winds, calm seas, make good time and even have a very pleasant escort of dolphins for hours to keep t...