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YouTube Videos

It’s A-Fish-Yall ! — Sailing Uma [Step 14]
Sailing Uma
It’s A-Fish-Yall ! — Sailing Uma [Step 14]
Being in the water has a lot of advantages. Other than being smoothly rocked to bed at night, we can officially say that we can catch our own diner ! And amongst all the fun, we also worked on hooking up our house batteries and some of our electrical toys....
Episode 69 – Extra footage – Sailing the Sprit Rigged Coconut Dingy With Leeboards
Accidental Sailor Girl
Episode 69 – Extra footage – Sailing the Sprit Rigged Coconut Dingy With Leeboards
Some extra footage from before we sailed to Cumberland Island, and also our mutiny on our first sail aboard the coconut dinghy.  Here is all the rest of information of where to find us! :) Want to leave a tip? Become a Patreon today! Find Kourtney at...