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YouTube Videos

Why you need AIS on a sailboat #Shorts
Sailing Aequus
Why you need AIS on a sailboat #Shorts
During a recent solo sail i had a really good example of why i think AIS is essential equipment for any sailor who is doing an offshore passage. Aboard our yacht we have a B&G (NAIS500) Class-B AIS transponder. #shorts #short #sailing #navigationeq...
We Need Your Help! AIS
Rigging Doctor
We Need Your Help! AIS
We want to transmit AIS instead of only receive. There are a ton of options available and I want to know which setup you like best!
Radar vs AIS – which is better for collision avoidance? – Sailing Q&A 32
Radar vs AIS – which is better for collision avoidance? – Sailing Q&A 32
Both radar and AIS (Automatic Identification System) are used to avoid collisions at sea, but which is better? Would you choose one over the other? In this week's extra we discuss the pros and cons of each system and attempt to answer this contentious que...